Laboratories Logistics provides road transport solutions with a variety of means of transport from small tonnage vehicles to ultra-clear vehicles, containers … for domestic transportation including:

Road transport of import and export goods
Domestic container shipping services from ports
And international transportation services for many countries in the region such as export – import and customs clearance.

  • Shipping service to China
  • Transfer service to Cambodia
  • Shipping service to Thailand.
  • Shipping service to Laos.

Road transport of VNA Logistics can transport the whole trip for specific characteristics of the item or combine goods to bring economic efficiency for each choice in accordance with the needs of customers. The fleet is equipped with monitoring equipment and software management to ensure service quality and transportation progress.

The strengths of VNA Logistics are:

  • Diversity of means of transportation
  • Professional working process, fast service
  • 24/7 dedicated customer care team
  • Cost savings for each transportation kilometer
  • Committed to 100% guarantee of goods during transportation…
  • Laboratories Logistics also provides solutions for combined air and road transportation with some countries such as China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc.

Please contact Logistics Laboratory for the best service.